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El fantasma de Elena

Actor Character Known as
Elizabeth Gutierrez Elena Lafé Main heroine, in love with Eduardo, Montecristo's ex-wife, at the end with Eduardo
Segundo Cernadas Eduardo Girón Main hero, in love with Elena Lafé
Ana Layevska Elena Calcaño † / Daniela Calcaño † Main female villain, wants to destroy Elena Lafé and Eduardo, dies in insane asylum / her sister, killed by Elena Calcaño
Fabian Rios Montecristo Palacios † Main male villain, half brother of Eduardo and Dario, killed by some prisoners in prison,in love with Elena Lafé
Maritza Bustamante Corina Santander Villain, later becomes good, Rebeca's sister, was engaged with Walter
Carlos Montilla Darío Girón † Villain, Eduardo's brother, died after surgery in which he gave his bone marrow to Andrea
Elluz Peraza Antonia "Latoña" Sulbarán Villain, later becomes good, mother of Elena and Daniela
Katie Barberi Rebeca Santander de Girón Villain, later becomes good, Corina's sister
Zully Montero Margót Uzcátegui † / Ruth Merchan (La Reina) Elena Lafe's grandmother, poisoned by Dulce / Margot's step sister (formerly homeless)
Henry Zakka Alan Martin Former police officer, currently personal assistant/protector of Elena Lafe
Eva Tamargo Mariela Lafé † Elena Lafe's stepmother, died in the fire of the Giron mansion
Braulio Castillo Tomás Lafé † Elena Lafe's father, killed in car crash caused by Dulce
Gerardo Riveron Samuel † Jesusa's husband, died in the fire of the Giron mansion
Adrian Carvajal Benjamín Girón † Villain, Rebeca's and Dario's son, has a plan with Montecristo Palacios, has Laura captive, drugged a young girl to pretend to be Elena's ghost, died in the fire of the Giron mansion, Andrea's brother
Marisol Calero Nena Ochoa Fake spirit medium, currently acts as medium for the ghost of Daniela Calcaño and ally of Latoña
Freddy Viquez Anacleto/Said Nena Ochoa's friend
Juan Pablo Llano Walter Chaffeur, in love with Andrea, was engaged to Corina
Victor Corona Kalima † Villain. Montecristo's friend, killed by police
Beatriz Monroy Jesusa Chief servant in the Giron mansion, adopted mother of Milady
Wanda D'Isidoro Laura Luna Elena Lafe's best friend, survives being Benjamin's prisoner
Jessica Mas Dulce Uzcátegui † Third main villain, kills 6 people, died in a hospital by trafic accident
Liannet Borrego Milady Margarita Servant at the Giron mansion, biological daughter of Clara, married to Michel
Michelle Jones Gandica Police officer
Yuly Ferreira Sandra † Dancer, Corina's friend, Montecristo's ex-lover, killed by Kalima
Leslie Stewart Victoria "Vicky" Ortega † Rebeca's friend, also sent to prison for attempting to kill Dulce's son, killed by Butterfly in a shooting in a mall trying to escape with Rebeca from prison
Isabella Castillo Andrea Girón Rebeca's and Dario's daughter, in love with Walter

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