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Intreviu Demi Lovato

Acesta este un interviu pe engleza dintre Demi si un 'reporter' de pe Twwiterl Interview!
A: Hi Demi how are you?
D: Hi, this is very good, you?
A: And we just by that I called you here with us.
D: How about a song?
A: Yes we would definitely like!
D: This is real, this is me .....
After a few minutes.
A: It was very nice only a shame that Joe did not sing.
D: Yes.
R: But let's get to fapte.Mai're still with Joe?
D: No, my relationship with him was over long ago.
R: Why do you hate it when people ask you?
D: I finished with him!
D: Demi I did not want to annoy you!
A: I do not care what you think!
Si asa s-a terminat!Apoi daca chair asa o fost nu stiu!

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