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Actor Character(s) Descriptions
Gaby Espino Alina Jericó de Monsalve Wife of Manny; Former Love of Nando
Miguel Varoni Nando Barragán Villain. Boss Barragán's Clan; Father of Arcángel; In Love with Alina
Gregorio Pernía Many Monsalve Villain. Boss Monsalve's Clan; Husband of Alina
Carmen Villalobos Nadia Monsalve Daughter of Frepe; In Love with Arcángel
Gonzalo García Vivanco Arcangel Barragan Son of Nando; In Love with Nadia
Juan Carlos Vargas Frepe Monsalve Villain. Brother of Manny
Marcelo Cezan Narciso Barragan Villain. Brother of Nando
Manuel José Chávez Hugo Monsalve Villain; Nephew of Manny and Frepe; In love with Nadia
Ana Soler La Mona Barragan Sister of Nando; In Love with Hugo
Oscar Borda Tin Puyua Villain. Man of Monsalve's Clan
Ramiro Meneses Fernely Villain. Man of Monsalve's Clan
Sara Corrales Karina Prostitute, In Love with Raca
Alberto Valdiri Dr. Mendez
Claudia Moreno Magdalena Barragan-La Muda Adopted sister of Nando, In love with Arcángel
Ines Oviedo Milena Prostitute; In love with Nando
Hector Garcia Raca Barragan Brother of Nando; In love with Karina
Linda Baldrich Lorena Prostitute, Lover of Narciso and secret affair with Manny
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